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Detroit engine maintenance plan for Binh Khanh ferry

Binh Khanh ferry (Can Gio side) operates from 5:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. daily; During the shutdown period, it is still necessary to maintain the 24/24 duty mode for timely service in case of emergency, emergency, anti-epidemic work, transportation of people to quarantine, etc. to arrange 01 separate arrangement. ferry means transporting people in isolation.

Passenger transport must not exceed 50% of the maximum capacity; Passengers are required to wear masks, keep a safe distance from Covid-19 on the vehicle, at the waiting area and make medical declarations in accordance with regulations. Vehicles must be equipped with disinfectant solutions and disinfect vehicles according to regulations. Regularly check and maintain detroit engine equipment to keep it running at its best. Condition monitoring and maintenance planning for ferry detroit engines is a process of determining the condition of machinery in operation. in motion or at rest.

If a problem is detected, the ferry boat's detroit engine equipment will provide information to determine what the problem is and more importantly, what caused the problem.This way we can schedule ferry detroit engine maintenance effectively for each specific problem before the ferry detroit engine fails.

A recent UK government study showed that: "The ferry detroit engine maintenance plan saves about $1.3 billion per year", thanks to the application of the CBM strategy. It has been determined that a 5% increase in the availability of ferry detroit engine equipment can lead to a 30% increase in productivity.

The Canadian Navy has reported that the overall maintenance costs of a fleet of 20 destroyers have been reduced by 45% (average savings of $100,000 per ship per year) thanks to the application of CBM. Another study in The UK on an oil tanker has shown that within 12 months of the introduction of the state monitoring detroit engine maintenance planning program, the ship's condition monitor has reduced maintenance costs by 37%.

In the ferry detroit engine supply industry here, the maintenance cost of ferry detroit engines has also been lowered by about $9-10/HP/year thanks to a change in maintenance strategy from operation to operation. upon failure to maintenance on a condition basis. Statistics from many countries show that when the ferry detroit engine maintenance program is implemented, every 1 dollar costs will save 5 dollars in general and from 10 to 22 dollars in particular in the industry. provides ferry boat detroit engine production.

Kế hoạch bảo dưỡng động cơ DETROIT phà Bình Khánh năm 2021

Kế hoạch bảo dưỡng động cơ DETROIT tại phà Bình Khánh năm 2021

Kế hoạch bảo dưỡng động cơ DETROIT tàu phà Bình Khánh năm 2021

Kế hoạch bảo dưỡng động cơ DETROIT  tại tàu phà Bình Khánh năm 2021



With more than 40 years of experience in the field of maintenance project implementation , a team of good engineers and skilled technical workers, Sau Thanh company has always led in Service quality and Price .

Our company has supplied a Large number of engines and engine spare parts in the Ferry Industry . The products at Sau Thanh company brought to the market are always high quality with the most competitive prices in the market.


- Warranty from 6 months to 1 year

- After sale service

- Detailed instructions on how to operate and maintain machines

- Provide genuine spare parts




Headquarters: 44, 15 Street,  Tân Kiểng Ward, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City.

Website : congtysauthanh.com

 Email : nguyenthanhdetroit@gmail.com

 Hotline : 0792 771 117

 Time works : 08h - 17h 


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