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Caterpilla Engine and Spare Parts Maintenance at Con Dao, Cau Da Port in 2021

Caterpilla Engine and Spare Parts Maintenance at Con Dao, Cau Da Port in 2021


Address of the pier is at 9 Ha Long, Ward 1, Vung Tau City. Con Dao Express will pass through Cau Da Port, Vung Tau, and take, passengers to Con Dao. Train departure time is from 8am. Cau Da Port is located in the middle of the area in Ward 1, Vung Tau.

Caterpilla Ferry spare parts maintenance plan in 2021

Caterpilla engine spare partsmaintenance plan for ferries helps to reduce depreciation costs and avoid unnecessary damage to machinery and equipment.Therefore, one of the effective solutions is applying real maintenance modes for machines.

Therefore, adopting a Caterpilla engine maintenance plan for ferries brings great benefits, while avoiding production interruptions. Mainly to minimize depreciation costs, factories often apply Caterpilla engine maintenance for ferries. The Caterpilla Engine and Parts Maintenance Plan also provides significant cost savings compared to purchasing new engineering machinery and equipment.

From the above, it can be seen that the application of a caterpilla engine maintenance plan for ferries is very necessary, helping to reduce wear and help the engine operate more smoothly. Therefore, you need to develop a caterpilla engine maintenance plan for ferry boats, or in short, an industrial maintenance plan that you can implement.

Sau Thanh Company is honored to win the CATERPILLA engine maintenance package at Con Dao Pier, Cau Da Port in 2021. The actual construction image is recorded by the engineer of Sau Thanh Company:

Caterpilla Engine and Spare Parts Maintenance at Con Dao, Cau Da Port in 2021 Sau Thanh CompanyCaterpilla Engine and Spare Parts Maintenance at Con Dao, Cau Da Port in 2021 in Sau Thanh Company


With more than 40 years of experience in the field of maintenance project implementation , a team of good engineers and skilled technical workers, Sau Thanh company has always led in Service quality and Price .

Our company has supplied a Large number of engines and engine spare parts in the Ferry Industry . The products at Sau Thanh company brought to the market are always high quality with the most competitive prices in the market.


- Warranty from 6 months to 1 year

- After sale service

- Detailed instructions on how to operate and maintain machines

- Provide genuine spare parts




Headquarters: 44, 15 Street,  Tân Kiểng Ward, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City.

Website : congtysauthanh.com

 Email : nguyenthanhdetroit@gmail.com

 Hotline : 0792 771 117

 Time works : 08h - 17h 

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