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CATERPILLA Engine Maintenance Plan at Dong Thap Ferry 2022

Kế Hoạch Bảo Dưỡng Động Cơ CATERPILLA tại Phà Đồng Tháp 2022 Sáu Thanh

Maintenance time for CATERPILLA engines on Dong Thap Ferry 2022 may be limited due to production schedules, effective maintenance plans often depend on human resources and experience. , equipment and even maintenance procedures for Caterpilla Dong Thap ferry engines.

To limit plant downtime during servicing of the CATERPILLA engine, all steps such as inspection of the CATERPILLA engine, preparation and maintenance should be performed while the ferry engine is in operation. Weather is also one of the factors that can affect the CATERPILLA engine maintenance schedule.

In order to achieve the highest efficiency in the maintenance of CATERPILLA engines in the process of using labor, equipment and materials as well as time, the CATERPILLA engine maintenance program will be implemented for both ferry engines.

Determining safe uptime along with downtime, CATERPILLA engine maintenance requirements for ferry boats are important parameters in the planning process. To this end, the collection of CATERPILLA engine maintenance and inspection data for ferries also plays an important role.

In the event that the data on the inspection and maintenance of CATERPILLA engines for ferries are fully collected, the maintenance of the CATERPILLA engines for ferry boats is made more efficient. With the engine equipment CATERPILLA ferry ships for several years, maintenance must be carried out after one month of decommissioning for inspection. Inspection, repair and maintenance of the CATERPILLA engine for each ferry must be carried out according to the instructions in the CATERPILLA Engine Maintenance Plan sheet.

Sau Thanh Company was honored to win the CATERPILLA engine maintenance contract at Dong Thap Ferry. Actual construction pictures recorded by engineers of Sau Thanh Company:

Bảo Dưỡng Động Cơ CATERPILLA Phà Đồng Tháp 2022 Sáu Thanh

Kế Hoạch Bảo Dưỡng Động Cơ CATERPILLA Phà Đồng Tháp 2022 Sáu Thanh

Bảo Dưỡng Động Cơ CATERPILLA Phà Đồng Tháp 2022 công ty Sáu Thanh



With more than 40 years of experience in the field of maintenance project implementation , a team of good engineers and skilled technical workers, Sau Thanh company has always led in Service quality and Price .

Our company has supplied a Large number of engines and engine spare parts in the Ferry Industry . The products at Sau Thanh company brought to the market are always high quality with the most competitive prices in the market.

 - Warranty from 6 months to 1 year

- After sale service

- Detailed instructions on how to operate and maintain machines

- Provide genuine spare parts




Headquarters: 44, 15 Street,  Tân Kiểng Ward, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City.

Website : congtysauthanh.com

 Email : nguyenthanhdetroit@gmail.com

 Hotline : 0792 771 117

 Time works : 08h - 17h 

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