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Twin Disc Engine Maintenance and Spare Parts For Binh An Ferry

Bảo Dưỡng Động Cơ Phụ Tùng Hộp Số Thủy Lực TwinDisc Tàu Phà Bình An

General Information Ferry Boats :

Ha Tien - Phu Quoc is one of the important maritime routes of the Western region. Realizing the promising tourism development potential of the region, with the desire to contribute and promote the development of this marine economic zone, Binh An Ha Tien Transport Joint Stock Company decided to put into operation this trip. Binh An Ha Tien high-speed ferry, providing more options for passengers' travel and freight needs on the Ha Tien - Phu Quoc waterway.

Twin Disc Engine Maintenance and Spare Parts For Binh An Ferry

Bảo Dưỡng Động Cơ Phụ Tùng Hộp Số Thủy Lực TwinDisc Dành Cho Tàu Phà Bình An

The oil filter will trap all the dirt and debris floating inside the Twin Disc Hydraulic Transmission motor. With a new oil and oil filter, the engine will run smoothly, and most importantly, it will keep the internals well-ventilated and lubricated.

Fuel burned in the engine generates a lot of heat, keeping the engine temperature in check is the job of the cooling system. For this reason, keeping the engine coolant level at the specified level is always a top priority. Please check the coolant level regularly, replenish when found to be below the standard level. Coolant leaks are also a serious problem that can cause the engine to overheat and lead to the risk of serious damage. If you detect a coolant leak in the dynamic compartment (water is usually green, orange or red), or notice an unusual increase in the temperature of the Twin Disc Hydraulic Transmission motor, have it checked. and fix it immediately.


Bảo Dưỡng Động Cơ Phụ Tùng Hộp Số Thủy Lực TwinDisc Tàu Phà Bình An công ty sáu thanh

Bảo Dưỡng Động Cơ Phụ Tùng Hộp Số Thủy Lực TwinDisc Tàu Phà Bình An sáu thanh


With more than 40 years of experience in the field of maintenance project implementation , a team of good engineers and skilled technical workers, Sau Thanh company has always led in Service quality and Price .

Our company has supplied a Large number of engines and engine spare parts in the Ferry Industry . The products at Sau Thanh company brought to the market are always high quality with the most competitive prices in the market.

 - Warranty from 6 months to 1 year

- After sale service

- Detailed instructions on how to operate and maintain machines

- Provide genuine spare parts




Headquarters: 44, 15 Street,  Tân Kiểng Ward, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City.

Website : congtysauthanh.com

 Email : nguyenthanhdetroit@gmail.com

 Hotline : 0792 771 117

 Time works : 08h - 17h 

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