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News about Cat Lai Ferry Cat Lai Ferry Maintenance Service

Phu tung tau pha cat

Cat Lai Ferry has been operating for a long time, is the main travel point between District 2, Ho Chi Minh City and Nhon Trach District, Dong Nai. But every time people have the need to move across this place is an obsession for them, especially on public holidays, the traffic jam here must use the word "terrible".

Bảo dưỡng động cơ caterpilla tàu phà

Caterpilla engine spare parts maintenance plan for ferry boats is essential throughout the ferry's operation to help reduce wear and help the engine operate more smoothly and safely for passengers during the trip. Therefore, you need to create a caterpilla engine maintenance plan for ferry boats, or in short, an industrial maintenance plan that you can carry out with extremely specific costs and plans. The problem of ferry boats is one of the good solutions that businesses should consider.

Bảo dưỡng động cơ phụ tùng caterpilla tàu phà

Bảo dưỡng động cơ phụ tùng caterpilla tàu phà chính hãng



With more than 40 years of experience in the field of maintenance project implementation , a team of good engineers and skilled technical workers, Sau Thanh company has always led in Service quality and Price .

Our company has supplied a Large number of engines and engine spare parts in the Ferry Industry . The products at Sau Thanh company brought to the market are always high quality with the most competitive prices in the market.

 - Warranty from 6 months to 1 year

- After sale service

- Detailed instructions on how to operate and maintain machines

- Provide genuine spare parts



Headquarters: 44, 15 Street,  Tân Kiểng Ward, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City.

Website : congtysauthanh.com

 Email : nguyenthanhdetroit@gmail.com

 Hotline : 0792 771 117

 Time works : 08h - 17h

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